Racial and Social Justice Ministry Team meeting summary | February 10, 2025
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” -Matthew 22:37-40
The above passage guided the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King in his work to end racism which emphasized love and non-violence. In recent years, the hatred, division, and violence we have witnessed in our country has made evident the importance of all of us here at UCC Norwell to actively contribute to a racial and social justice movement today and in the years ahead We, the Racial and Social Justice Ministry Team of UCC Norwell, have been called by God to do our part, to learn about racial and social injustices wherever it occurs and help to educate others. Please come join with us to take actions that build a movement which will finally make Dr. King’s Dream and God's reign here on earth a reality.
Updates and Discussion
Christian Nationalism Response (South Shore & Beyond Interfaith Coalition): Jack highlighted Advocates for Love and Religious Freedom activity, including the updated "THIS is Christianity" website (Emily Mathews leading), and the call for 60-second video submissions. Developing strategy: New organization via working groups, expanding video participation, fundraising.
Jack shared a few items including:
Next TiC small group meeting: March 10, 6pm via Zoom.
South Shore PRIDE: Carl summarized efforts to expand Hanover PRIDE. Recent and future events:
CP’s Woodfired Pizza (Scituate, Jan 25)
Rockland Library Bingo (Feb 5)
"Don’t Hide the PRIDE" (Forge Pond Park in Hanover, June 4, 2025)
South Shore Progressives: Jack noted UCC Norwell attendance (9 people) at the Jan 21 meeting (45 attendees).
Next meeting: "Firewall for Freedom" (Feb 26, Norwell Library, 7-8:30pm),
ACLU presentation on immigration, free expression, and location data. RSVP to Paula Nesoff (pnesoff@gmail.com). Zoom link provided to register.
Community Defender Training: Deb noted the Jan 29 training on immigrant rights and community protection, and discussed hospital ICE agent access restrictions with SSH Anesthesia. Next training: Feb 25, 3-4pm, on expedited removal.
USAID Cuts/ASAPROSAR: Drastic USAID cuts impacted ASAPROSAR's youth programs (trauma centers, entrepreneurship, scholarships). 800+ employees were let go. Potential standout/demonstration (possibly March 9) to highlight impact, possibly partnering with M&O. Meg to raise issue at Moderators-Pastors meeting (2/11). Jack questioned impact on Jou Nouvo (Haiti). ASAPROSAR mission trip: Feb 16-22. Share mission stories.
GBIO: Meg noted active listening phase. A similar campaign is occurring through the UCC National Office of Public Policy & Advocacy: Going Deeper in 2025including Justice & Peace Action Network Audience Survey. Meg wondered whether we could create a similar survey for response from members of our congregation. More GBIO opportunities:
Next relational get-together: Feb 27, 7-8pm
Intersect newsletter #2 available.
Meg invited anyone interested to attend the Next Delegates Assembly to sign up as soon as possible on Monday, March 3 7-9pm at Union Church, 485 Columbus Avenue, Boston.
Susan DA and Jack planning to attend Biznow’s “Boston Affordable Housing Conference” on Thursday, March 13.
Youth Engagement: Carl referenced past youth-led discussions. Matt to discuss similar program with Bob Caldeira & Rev. Peter Strobel.
A number of resources were shared:
The Atlantic article on NAR; PRA webinar (Feb 13) It will be led by Naomi Washington-Leapheart, Director of Strategic Partnerships at PRA and include Rev. John Dorhauer
Scot Nakagawa's is the Executive Director of the 22nd Century Initiative whose essays on authoritarianism and resistance can be found in The Anti-Authoritarian Playbook on Substack
Matthew D. Taylor is the Senior Protestant Scholar at the Institute for Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies and is the author of The Violent Take It by Force: The Christian Movement that is Threatening Our Democracy
John C. Dorhauer is the former General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ, and former Chair of the National Council of Churches. He is also the coauthor of Steeplejacking: How the Christian Right is Hijacking Mainstream Religion
Frederick Clarkson is a Senior Research Analyst at Political Research Associates. He is the author of hundreds of articles over four decades and is the author of Eternal Hostility: The Struggle Between Theocracy and Democracy.
Next Meeting: March 10, 7pm via Zoom.